Monday, July 14, 2008

Hillary for VP

I was at my son's wedding reception in St. Louis this weekend when a rumor swept the hall that Hillary had been chosen as Vice President nominee by Obama. I think Randall (the one whose life, I argue, has not been a failure) got a call from his wife and started the rumor. I told several people myself. Later we all ran to the TV and the internet to confirm the story, but no one else seems to have heard of it.

Dr. K thought Obama would pick Caroline Kennedy or a Republican Chuck Hagel so he was surprised. I thought ultimately Obama would pick Hillary so I felt vindicated. But now it appears my gloating was premature. However, I still think she should be chosen.

I am not a big fan of Hillary's and did not vote for her in the primary, but I think she would be a good choice for several reasons. First, it would be the democratic thing to do. She did after all get the second most votes. The Constitution originally gave the Vice Presidency to the second place winner, regardless of party, so this is not exactly a new concept. Second, she appears to have a base of support different from Obama's. I don't know why this is, really, but if it is so, it would be ticket balancing. I assume Obama will carry New York without Hillary, but I do know my wife, mother and sister all supported Obama and they would be happier with her on the ticket. Third, my wife, sister and mother all supported Hillary and I don't want to have to hear about it if Obama picks someone else and loses.

In the primaries, just 1.3 million Texans voted Republican compared to almost 2.9 million who voted Democrat. The Nation magazine has an article this week that makes the argument that Texas could turn blue. The enthusiasm shown by Hillary supporters, especially on issues like health insurance and mortgage relief, at the county convention make me think a Texas upset might be possible.


Mas Triste said...


I agree with you. In fact, it is starting to look like Obama needs to pick her. I fully expected a 15 to 20 point lead in the polls by now and he is far, far away from that.

I don't know if he moved too quickly to the center and the young voters supporting him are disenchanted by the predictable move or what, but the deflation of his election express is obvious.

This is starting to look like the typical "party on party" race ahcdoes not benefit him.


Anonymous said...

Obama surrounds himself with radicals and idiots. So you are probaly right. He will choose Billary. Maybe he can get or Rev. Wright or Rev. Mann to join also. My father once told me if you hang around turds long enough you start to smell like one. There is not a worthy candidate left to vote for.
God save us all.
GI Joe

Anonymous said...

Texas turning blue? Now let's not go totally insane. We will humor your ideas on an Obamy win, but if you really think Texas will help, you may be ready for a straight jacket.

BobbyWC said...

I have met with so many seniors in Brownsville over the last month. Everyone of them long time Democrats. For all the wrong reasons they are voting for McCain.

McCain is good for NAFTA Obama is not. Between the race problem he faces in South Texas, and NAFTA he cannot and will not carry the LRGV. Texas cannot and will not go Democrat until they can find a reason for the LRGV to turn out and vote.

Hillary does carry a lot of hard core Democrats, but she also sends Independents running for the hills.

Obama will pick the female governor of Arizona or Kansas. McCain will pick Michael Steele. Michael Steele will earn McCain 25%of the black vote, and the majority of moderate Independents.

Obama is losing, when you consider the numbers,because people are seeing he is an empty shirt. Die Hard Democrats will vote for him, but Independents will continue to drift to McCain.

Finally, let me say - Hillary and Bill have not yet surrendered - I am waiting for a convension surprise.

BObby WC

The Merovingian said...

Obama should pick Billary.

He really needs that extra coffin nail.
